Journal project submitted to Kickstarter | West By Sea
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Journal project submitted to Kickstarter

Posted by on 2013/02/22

Just a quick update folks. Kickstarter has the ball. The project submission went in late on Thursday, a couple days later than planned. We wanted to have it live for the weekend. We’ll see if they get to it the next couple days. Probably Tuesday at the latest. Fingers crossed for approval!

We priced nice big postcards 8.5″ x 5.5″ at, heavy card stock and glossy on both sides. The cards are well within budget and are going to be awesome. Leave a comment if you think a ‘naked’ postcard is better, or should we mail them each in an envelope? The basic envelopes are kinda pricy, and our preference is to let the cards go through the mail to collect some “color” and authenticity.

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