For the Kickstarter Segment Sponsors, Bookbinder Sponsors and Object Backers, you should check Kickstarter for a message about next steps. I need some information so we can start on your rewards. And I need objects! Several have come in already and they look great.
We explored shipping directly to our stateroom prior to sailing. WHEW was it expensive! We might do a small bag of bulky stuff. They charge by weight, not size. The checked bag fee is probably less. Of course that means the two of us will need to haul all this stuff from plane to cab to hotel to cab to ship. We’ll keep working on it to preserve Kickstarter capital for stuff that really matters – a quality product.
The Kickstarter campaign did not raise enough funding for a laptop upgrade. So we did one anyway. Between selling old gear on eBay and other dedicated scrounging & selling we got it done yesterday. Data swapping is in progress. The camera, drobo and podcast equipment is ordered and most has shipped.
When the trial runs out for Adobe CS6 we’ll purchase the “creative cloud” service. We have an old serial number which cuts the monthly price down to $29 from $49. If you are a fan of Adobe software but could never get involved because of the high cost, the new creative cloud option is a great deal.
Also on tap today is sanding the back deck for repainting tomorrow and a vocal performance for a military retirement ceremony. Things are moving along by bits and pieces.