Day 012: Singapore | West By Sea
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Day 012: Singapore

Posted by on 2013/05/31

Day 012: Singapore
Position: N 1º 17′ 59″ E 103º 50′ 43″
Weather: 34ºC Light wind, very humid
Status: In port, Singapore
Last Port: Brisbane, Australia
Next Port: Port Kelang, Malaysia

From the Navigator
In the early hours of this morning the ship entered the busy traffic separation lane of the Singapore Strait, passing Horsburgh lighthouse on our port side and the many anchored vessels on our starboard side as we make our way towards our local pilot boarding ground. We will embark our pilot at approximately 0600 and anticipate being alongside our berth by 0700. This afternoon when everyone is onboard the ship will let go her lines, move astern and turn before proceeding out and rejoining the traffic separation lane westbound towards our next port of call, Port Kelang.


Welcome to Singapore!

The Merlion

Orchid gardens


Shopping anyone?

Heading back to the ship

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