Day 015: Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean | West By Sea
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Day 015: Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean

Posted by on 2013/06/03

Day 015: Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean
Position: N 6º 8′ 02″ E 92º 35′ 20″
Weather: 27ºC southwest wind 5kts, waves 1.5m
Status: At sea, Malacca Straits
Last Port: Port Kelang, Malaysia
Next Port: Mumbai, India

From the Navigator
Throughout this morning we will remain on a westerly heading as we cross the top of the Malacca Straits. Later this morning we will pass Banda Aceh on the most northern port of Sumatera and proceeding west out across the Indian Ocean and the Southern edge of the Bay of Bengal.

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