Day 017: Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean | West By Sea
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Day 017: Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean

Posted by on 2013/06/05

Day 017: Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean
Position: N 7º 11′ 44″ E 78º 12′ 00″
Weather: 35ºC torrential morning rain, then clean and humid
Status: At sea, Indian Ocean
Last Port: Port Kelang, Malaysia
Next Port: Mumbai, India

From the Navigator
During this morning we will round Pointe de Galle on the souther most point of Sri Lanka. We will then alter our course to the north west. We will continue on this course throughout this afternoon and this evening. We will pass Cape Comorin on the southern most point of India.

Piracy Drill
Today the ship’s company will be exercised in the Piracy Drill Routine. During this time there will be limited shipboard activities. Broadcasts will be made from the bridge and alarms will be sounded as instructions are relayed via the public address system. Passengers and crew will be required to take part in this important exercise. Passengers will return to their staterooms via internal routes and sit as far inboard as possible, away from exterior windows and doors. Ensure all exterior windows and doors are closed and secured. Prop open the interior door to your stateroom in order to receive instructions given locally by the ship’s personnel. Audio: Piracy Drill Announcement

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