Day 020: Agra, India | West By Sea
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Day 020: Agra, India

Posted by on 2013/06/08

Day 020: Agra, India (for Taj Mahal)

Michelle and Ed inside the Red Fort, Agra, India

Michelle and Ed inside the Red Fort, Agra, India

Just a quick note. We’re in India with actually useable internet. Gonna see how we do for updates tonight.

Check out this photo album on Facebook. Be sure to “like” the West By Sea Facebook page!

(The ship has moved on without us, but we’ll catch up in a couple days.)

Day 020: Arabian Sea
Position: N 20º 33′ 54″  E 067º 34′ 42″
Weather: 29ºC wind westerly force 4, overcast
Last Port: Mumbai, India
Next Port: Dubai, UAE
Status: underway, Arabian Sea
From the Navigator
Throughout the day we will maintain a north westerly course across the Arabian Sea towards the Gulf of Oman. The Arabian Sea covers approximately 1,491,130 square miles and has a maximum width of 1,490 miles and it’s maximum depth is 4.652 meters.

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