Day 038: Aegean Sea | West By Sea
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Day 038: Aegean Sea

Posted by on 2013/06/26

Day 038: Ionian Sea
Position: N 37º 26′ 17″ E 017º 34′ 09″
Weather: 23ºC wind 15-20kts from the north, waves 2m
Last Port: Istanbul, Turkey
Next Port: Naples, Italy
Status: Underway

From the Navigator
Early this morning we will transit the Elafonisu Strait to round the southern coast of Greece and set westerly courses across the Ionian Sea towards Italy. Early this evening we will round the southernmost point of Italy and at approximately 2030 we will board our Messina pilot and start our transit of the Messina Strait which separates Sicily from Italy. Once clear of the straits we will set north easterly courses up the coast of Italy towards Naples.

Some of our fellow passengers are celebrating their anniversary today. They are an inspiration to us. Even more exciting – a sanctioned open flame aboard ship!

As we made our way up the west coast of Italy, the volcano on Stromboli gave us quite a show. Later in the evening the glow of lava could be seen flowing from the caldera down into the sea.

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