Day 044: Mediterranean Sea (Gibraltar) | West By Sea
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Day 044: Mediterranean Sea (Gibraltar)

Posted by on 2013/07/02
Day 044: Underway, Mediterranean Sea
Position: N 37º 01′ 26″  W 001º 19′ 12″
Weather: ºC wind kts, waves m
Last Port: Barcelona, Spain
Next Port: Cadiz, Spain
Status: Underway
From the Navigator
Throughout this morning we will maintain a southwesterly course, passing Ibiza on our port side as we round the Costa Blanca on our starboard side. We will continue on various southwesterly courses throughout the day passing Alicante and Cartagena on our starboard side. Early this evening we will pass Cabo de Gata on our starboard side and alter course to the west along the Costa del Sol towards the Straits of Gibraltar.

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