Boston, Massachusetts, USA | West By Sea
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Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Posted by on 2013/04/21

21 April, 2013

After a smooth drive on a clear and cold New England spring morning, and picking up fresh coffee from Muddy Waters Café in New London, we boarded train 162 northbound for Boston. With some trepidation, because of the sad events there this past week surrounding the Boston Marathon.  Bad people will always exist but we must not let them take our joy. On the train a woman in the seat behind us stayed on the phone with her relatives – seemingly ALL her relatives – while working through a recent medical incident involving her elderly father.  Remember folks, while traveling you may FEEL anonymous, but you are NOT anonymous. Please be discreet.

End of the line at Boston's South Station

End of the line at Boston’s South Station

A short taxi ride after disembarking at South Station brought us to The North End and The Mariner’s House at 11 North Square. This is our regular refuge and jumping-off point for our trips to visit doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston is a town that loves bricks. Bricks of all sizes, shapes and colors, but normally the basic red brick is the most revered.  Did we say Boston loves their bricks? Everything is made from brick. Walls, sidewalks, buildings, fences, trash containers – all brick.

Boston Back Bay Station

A view of Boston from the train

On this visit it’s apparent the locals are rattled. Only six days removed from the bombing on Patriot’s Day and they are only now coming out of a forced hiding. The North End is jumping tonight, with a happy nervous energy that seems a bit out of place in this normally cocky and in-your-face city. Refreshing, actually. To see people making a bold statement to continue life, to revel in life, to build a life that seeks goodness, greatness. One brick at a time.

A Boston flag at half staff

A Boston flag at half staff

To end the day, we are at dinner in the North End, with all of you! Gennaro’s has been our regular spot since Michelle started her visits here in 2009. We “discovered” it before they were listed in Zagats, or ranked #1 by Trip Advisor in 2011.


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