You can also view this update through the original Kickstarter project.
Hi there West By Sea crew. I know you’re anxious to get underway. We are too!
Today we’re headed to Boston, USA for Michelle’s regular visit with the doctors. She will also meet with some of the public relations people at Mass General. They are interested in her story and upcoming adventure.
The sad news from Boston this week has been on our minds. Amtrak halted all traffic into the city but restored full service yesterday. We hope to have no issues today, a crisp but beautiful spring morning in New England. We also plan to bring along the artifacts provided by those backers. We still have a few items trickling in. Here’s what we have so far:

We spent a good part of Thursday lining up shore excursions. In some places there is just nothing compelling and so we’ll explore on our own. Other places the excursions don’t leave enough time between attractions so we plan to create our own timeline around the ‘standard’ attractions. We are only wait-listed for one trip when we get to Israel but there is plenty else to do there. And we’re very excited the crew has moved from ‘waitlist’ to ‘confirmed’ for the overland trip to Agra and Delhi for the Taj Mahal. Very excited indeed.

If you are not checking every few days then add it to your routine. We picked WordPress for the blog because it can be updated by several people from a variety of devices with not much hassle.