Successful Funding Campaign | West By Sea
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Successful Funding Campaign

Posted by on 2013/04/01

Nicely done! Over $10,000 contributed by over 150 backers in less than 45 days. Just incredible support. We’ll do our best to be worthy of your trust. The energy will move away from Kickstarter and over here to the main website. Backers will each be added to the site as a registered user. New enthusiasts can apply for a user account, or just follow along and read the public content.

Our goal is a daily report about trip prep. There will be gaps because the next six weeks will be BUSY. But we want to support your experience. The best way we have to get to know you is through replies and comments on this site. You can also send email:

Tonight we’re heading to Mohegan Sun for a bite and a few drinks to celebrate the end of the funding campaign and to kick off the start of the actual project. If you’re in the local area (eastern CT) swing by the cigar bar near the Tuscany waterfall and look for us.

Adventure is out there! (and we’re gonna find it)

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