At the gate, JFK -> LAX -> SYD | West By Sea
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At the gate, JFK -> LAX -> SYD

Posted by on 2013/05/13

The first aircraft has arrived. Only one bag was overweight by four pounds and required some shifting of materials for weight & balance. Security was uneventful and we are both properly irradiated. That’s nothing new for Michelle and Ed will just have to deal with the consequences, if any. A really nice afternoon to chase the sun westbound. We talked to a couple of the bookbinder backers today – shout out to Tom K. and Wayne & Christine J. Thanks for all the support getting to this point. “Kick the tires, light the fires, first one in the air is lead and we’ll brief on guard.”

May we offer you our favorite toast: “Hot Jets & Clear Skies!” We’ll catch ya on the other side (of the planet).

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