Hi West By Sea backers, (you can also read this update on Kickstarter)
We hope you’re enjoying the springtime. In less than two weeks we set off for Australia so it’s time to collect your mailing address. Each backer will get at least one postcard mailed from the ship (some rewards come with several cards). So we need your mailing address!
If you’re new to Kickstarter, the way we get your address is through “Backer Surveys”. We only get ONE chance to collect your address through a survey. I’ll say that again – this is your one and only chance to send us your address through Kickstarter. The address will be used for postcards, books, certificates and return of your objects, if applicable.
If your mailing address changes before December, you will have to update us with an email to ‘westbysea@gmail.com’. We’ve run events with several hundred people before so this should not be a problem: there are “only” 153 backers to keep track of. Still, please consider which address you plan to use for the rest of 2013 to minimize any confusion.
Some other brief updates:
Book Prep:
- Attended local Travel & Transformation writing workshop with authors Lavinia Spalding and Rolf Potts at Mystic’s Riverlight Center. They provided some great advice and we took over a dozen pages of notes. Check out their books: Writing Away (Lavinia) and Vagabonding (Rolf). Lavinia is following us on Twitter:@laviniaspalding – what about you @rolfpotts?
- Upgraded from trial to Adobe Creative Cloud (only $29/month with discounts)
- Researched status of ISBN – plan to fund with a “phase 2” Kickstarter later this summer…
- Drobo Mini is online and fully functional. Ditto cloned boot drives for each laptop.
- Camera bag is packed with three cameras, spare batteries, 240v chargers/cables, and five SD cards we had laying around (4gb, 2x8gb, 2x16gb). We’ll probably pick up a small tripod or monopod in Sydney before we sail.
- Ordered WBS postcards printed with exclusive clue.
- New lightweight luggage arrived, pack out starts tonight
- PODS storage unit arrived, see westbysea.com for a short timelapse video
- Almost all the RTW Objects have arrived. If you haven’t shipped one you’ll need to send to a different address.
- We decided not to pre-ship any equipment, it was just too expensive. This means we’ll have four heavy bags. Not to worry, we’re up for it.
- Ordered new debit cards for use internationally.
- Final discussions with the travel agent revealed a couple pieces of good news. First, this company grants “status” based on your cumulative time underway and we’ll be upgraded as we sail. Which means perks like discounted internet access. You’ll read all about this once we get underway. Also there is a chance we’ll be able to upgrade staterooms on one or more segments. Fingers crossed.
- Power of attorney was signed today so our house can be taken care of while we’re gone. Whew!
- Cancel utilities, forward mail, arrange house cleaning and lawn care services.
- Complete pack out with “house cooling party” on 5/5/13
- Drop extra stuff at good will
- Clean up westbysea.com and prep for portable updates. Podcast and Shop links still need work.
- Complete handoff of regular daily tasks to WBS Ground Crew
- Put car and truck in storage and downsize insurance policies
- Get to JFK airport on time!
Watch for backer surveys. Start adding westbysea.com to your regular routine. The adventure is about to begin.
All our best,
Michelle & Ed
P. S. – Michelle’s doctors gave her the green light to go, which is a great relief!