Day 025: Gulf of Aden
Position: N 13º 33′ 55″ E 050º 04′ 33″
Weather: 28ºC wind, waves
Last Port: Dubai, UAE
Next Port: Safaga, Egypt
Status: Underway, Gulf of Aden
From the Navigator
Today we will maintain a south westerly course paralleling the coast of Yemen on our starboard side as we proceed through the Gulf of Aden towards Bab el Mandeb, which is the narrow entrance of the Red Sea.

As “repeat” travelers we gain “Captain’s Circle” status. Here we are getting briefed on the benefits.

Here are some of the ship’s staff who run the Captain’s Circle program. The Captain is in white on the right.

One of the Captain’s Circle benefits is “free laundry”. We need another 100 (or so) days with this company to get that benefit. We spent the morning doing laundry and helping the engineering team repair the coin operated laundry. Here’s the result – a set of working dryers!