July | 2016 | West By Sea
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Monthly Archives: July 2016

Welcome to The Eleventh H.O.P.E.

Watch LIVE at 11am EDT (NYC), Saturday July 23rd. Twitter: @hopeconf | @edbeale Ed is at The Eleventh H.O.P.E. conference to discuss his underway blog during the trip around the world. Links mentioned in the talk and more information: Polar Operations pages: Antarctic Page, Deep Freeze 2002 St. Lawrence Island Polynya Project 2001 Arctic West Summer 2001 Arctic … Continue reading »

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West By Sea – Journey Around The World

Travel with Michelle in the pages of her full-color journal. Visit exotic ports on six continents. Decode puzzles to find a secret stone. Help fight brain cancer. Full-color “Treasure Hunt Edition” Plain text journal, no photos “Marathon Edition” Purchase full-color 6″x9″ Hardcover at Lulu: $39.95 Purchase full-color 6″x9″ Paperback at Amazon: $29.95 Purchase Kindle edition at Amazon: $2.99 … Continue reading »

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