Credits | West By Sea
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These organizations and companies have provided material and financial support for the West By Sea project. For this we are immensely grateful.

Please return the favor by offering them your business.


Internet and new media

  • Jetset Times – published our guest blog and are just really cool people.
  • Bedrock Communications – first to ‘scoop’ our story. Listen to their weekly podcast.
  • Sports Car Junkies: Business Podcast – great show about turning dreams into a reality. And cool cars.


  • Juicies – colorful cables for all your portable electronics. Made of 100% recycled materials and filled with Aloha.


  • 3ethos – Preparing leaders to serve more effectively as stewards in critical decision-making roles.


  • The Keys of Electrum – go around the world to solve a mystery that has been hidden since the days of pyramids and pharaohs. (Fiction) 


We must specifically thank the 153 Kickstarter backers who provided financial support for the underway blog, multimedia technology and software, and journaling equipment. You stuck with us through the entire trip and an extra year battling cancer. You have to give to get. This book is proof that dreams, with a team, can indeed come true. Thank you all.
No reward requested
Abdullah Rufus
Fernando Macias-Jimenez
Clayton Hanson
Joanne French
Dave Ranta
Kathleen Borsos-Wooley
Frances & Richard Boullianne
Kathleen Liles
Segment Backers
Please visit the links for and patronize each of these five generous backers
Segment 1: JD Henning  Keys of Electrum
Segment 2: Andrew Milham  Zeode Software Design
Segment 3: edward laing  pzizz technology limited
Segment 4: Bram Britcher  Brittmore Group LLC
Segment 5: Don Trone   Leadership Center for Investment Stewards
Bookbinder Backers
Wayne & Christina Johnson
Geoffrey Paul
Thomas A. Kinney
Tom and Dottie Matteson
Joseph Cardin
Vagabonder Backer
Ron Foerch
Voyager Backers
We carried a small object for these backers around the world
Jackie Leverich
Toni, Rick and Brendan Gay
Pete & Laurie
Bill Wertz
Mike and Laura Sundquist
Bill Parry
Anne, Claire and Catherine Fitzgerald
Duane and Janet Beale
Nancy and Ty Thill
Kathy R
Willington Beales
South Berwick Beales
Martha and Ed Beale
Alo Konsen
Erica Mohr
Claudia Ribeiro
Adventurer Backers
Elmar Henne
Margaret L. Brown
Dan McLaughlin
Jamie Smith
Christopher Harrison
Mark Bryant
Rick Cehon
Wanderer Backers
Robert DeCoopman
Scott & Marion Gesele CGA ‘92
Matt & Julia Baker
Schenk Schenk
Lori Butler
Fr Thomas Weise CGA ‘92
Mark Dietrich
The Wilson Family – All 10 of us.
Michael B Cooper
Joe & LaRae Malinauskas
Expeditionnaire Backers
Michael P. Chien
Big Z
Jenn & Jim Canfield
David Walter
Charlie Coiro
Jonathan Heller
Nancy and Jack Almeida
Jeff Marsick
Kristen Serumgard
Linda Palmer
John W. Pruitt, III
James Young
Chris Conway
Mark & Elizabeth Markley
Journaler Backers
Katie Hood, Camden, NC
Will Ciaburri
Cadman Family
Sidonie Sansom
Mary Sheahan
Bob & Ann Kaylor
Eleanor Ali
Allison Rossett
Lebanon Palmers
Jim Miller
Mary Kaye
Chris & Diana Kent
Patricia Charles
Mary Hagerman
Jason Warren
Jim Marshall
Olna Jenn Smith
The Kamphausen Family
Rob & Deb Sherwood
Charlie & Cathy (Kircher) Hyde & Family
The Smith Family – Deane, Melissa, Thad, Nate, & Zane
eJournaler Backers
Danielle Romano
Cousin Adie
Cliff Their
Al Hoefer
Jesse Franks
Peter Leeds
My Favorite Swimmer Ever
Mike Metzler
Dennis Callahan
Norman Picard
Jenna Tucker
Marc Matoba
Bob & SaraBeth Nivison
Kathy Ruby
David J. Obedzinski
Dina Hannigan
Joe Staier
Carolyn Wolfram
Leslie Berry
Cate Griffin
Casey and Tiffany Jones
Theresa Palmer
Phil Prather
Steve Vigus from Sports Car Junkies Business Podcast
Kapil Chandra
Thank YOU for the journey – Melissa
Philip F. Kordon & Jessica L. Kordon
Card Club Backers
Igor Klimer
Ian Thorpe
Christy Newell
Dan Silvers
Hugh Griffin
Carmen Rose Shenk
George Antonakos
Jacqueline Boone
Adriana Atencio
Christopher Berinato
Adam Farnsworth
Christine Koenig Mclaughlin
Donna Dominick
Mirko Klopfleisch
Mary Hagerman
Tim Sullivan
Robert Linder
Dawn Sherman Meisner
J. LeBlanc
Michelle Bezzina
Laura Evangelista
Alexander Hawson
Corbin Lorick
Bandwidth Backers
Matthew Martin
Christopher Theodore
Kathy Moss Torrez
Deivis Slavinskas
Justin P. Moore

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