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Michelle refused to let a cancerous brain tumor end her dreams, so she boarded a ship for 105 epic days of adventure.


West By Sea: A Treasure Hunt that Spans the Globe is the story of that trip, told by Michelle in her underway journal. Follow her on this inspiring journey around the world.

Purchase full-color 6″x9″ Hardcover on Lulu: $39.95
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Purchase full-color 6″x9″ Paperback on CreateSpace: $34.95

This book will make a beautiful addition to your travel library. It is 144 pages in full color and contains flip movies, encoded riddles, hundreds of small photographs from around the world, and 105 quotes and short stories that touch 40 ports in 28 countries on 6 continents.


Each book ordered is printed on-demand and shipped directly to you by either Lulu (hardcover) or CreateSpace (paperback).

To benefit charity

Proceeds from this book, after expenses and treasure awards, if any, are donated directly to charities on a quarterly basis, with the intent to benefit

  • brain cancer treatment and research
  • ovarian cancer research
  • families of deployed military personnel
  • wounded veterans

About the authors

Michelle M. B. Beale was diagnosed with brain cancer in early 2006 and has battled through three craniotomies, experimental proton radiation, and chemotherapy to bring this tale to you. Michelle is a native of Bethpage, New York, USA. A life-long aviation enthusiast, she completed a dual bachelors degree in Aeronautics and Management. She worked as Operations Supervisor and Noise Abatement Officer for KFRG Republic Airport; and Program Manager for the U. S. Coast Guard Academy’s Institute for Leadership.

Edward K. Beale is a native of Tolland, Connecticut, USA. At an early age Ed fell in love with puzzles, codes, ciphers and travel, and set out to unlock the world. He has since visited 50 states, 49 countries, and all seven continents. He retired from the United States Coast Guard after two decades of service as a shipboard deck watch officer, rescue helicopter pilot, polar science operations senior aviator, and academic dean at the USCG Leadership Development Center.