Day 014: Langkawi, Malaysia | West By Sea
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Day 014: Langkawi, Malaysia

Posted by on 2013/06/02

Day 014: Langkawi, Malaysia
Position: N 6º 25′ 09″ E 99º 49′ 19″
Weather: 35ºC torrential morning rain, then clean and humid
Status: In port, Langkawi, Malaysia
Last Port: Port Kelang, Malaysia
Next Port: Mumbai, India

From the Navigator
We maintained northerly courses overnight navigating up the Sallacca Strait and at approximately 0800 we will commence our final approach towards Langkawi. Shortly after wi will board our local pilot and then turn to port and make our way alongside our berth. As soon as everyone is back onboard this afternoon the ship will let go her lines and thrust off the berth before moving ahead. Once the pilot as disembarked we will set westerly courses across the top of the Malacca Straights towards the Indian Ocean.

The Mangrove Swamp Tour (video)

Flags upon arrival

Langkawi at the mooring

Malaysian Maritim patrol boat (looks a bit like a USCG 44 footer)

The start of the rainy season. Just like Alabama

Crisps of various flavors, like Prawn, Crab, Clam, “Seafood” and Cuttlefish. YUM!

The Mangrove Swamp

The Commander gets underway. We ended up serving as crew and Ed repaired the mooring line with a better end splice.

Monkeys in the swamp

The Red Eagle, source of Langkawi’s name (Translated “Eagle Red”)

Someday, we’ll come back to visit, like this crew

A local kitteh. Travel Cat is back!

Private property rights, Malaysian style. You’re doin’ it right!

Tour Overview

Your tour begins as you board your motorcoach for a scenic drive to Kilim Marine Park. En route, you’ll witness Langkawi’s dramatic coastline with its isolated bay and islets.

At the Kilim jetty, you’ll board a motor launch for a cruise through this delicate ecosystem of tidal mangroves, lagoons and isolated islands. The preserve is dotted with dramatically shaped limestone formations including the Temple of Borobodur, the Elephant Stone and the Hanging Gardens.

With your guide, you’ll explore Gua Kelawar, the Bat Cave, and keep watch for brown eagles, tree crabs, iguanas and Macaque monkeys. Wildlife sightings cannot be guaranteed.

You’ll also witness the fish farm, an aquaculture that’s become an important economic industry, and discover how are fish are bred and farmed before feeding the fingerlings.

Next on your itinerary is a buffet “dim sum” lunch served at a local hotel. Beverages are available for purchase. After a delicious meal, you’ll head to the Bird Park to shop duty-free, before departing back to the pier.

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